knights of columbus - HAWAII STATE COUNCIL

WELCOME! The Hawaii State Council of the Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men with like minded ideals who explore ways in which they can put their FAITH INTO ACTION. If you are a Catholic gentlemen seeking to find ways to get involved with your parish and community, the Knights of Columbus is perfect for you. Programs sponsored by our organization provide outlets that benefit both our Catholic parishes and community.
Each member of the Knights of Columbus decides for himself how he wishes to serve.

Many Knights decide the best way they can serve the Order and support its many good works, is by continuing to be members in good standing. Other members decide that the best way to find their true meaning as Knights is to actively serve their Church and their Community. Through service Knights become better Fathers, better Husbands and better Men. Our world can be troubling at times, and our members are committed to stepping Into the Breach for the sake of our Families, our Parishes, our Priests and our Faith. If you're not yet a Knight - why? Join Us!

State Council's Google calendar, keep up to date  with the many programs, ceremonials, charitable events and more! Stay informed! (Click Title)

The Patriotic Degree of our Order. Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Find an assembly near you and meet the leadership team that make up our 4th Degree. (Click Title)
Financial Planning & Insurance
Learn more of our valued benefits program and meet our Field Agents that manage our award winning insurance program. Recognized as one of the most Ethical Companies in the World! (Click Title)
Find the nearest council or assembly! Know who to contact to visit their meetings and join. Confirm if your parish has a council/assembly affiliation.  (Click Title)
Check out our quarterly Newsletter or click on real time announcements featured on our Council blog! (Click Title)
Browse these two incredible publications produced by the Knights of Columbus  by clicking the links above! (Click Title)
Members resource section for helpful form downloads and archived references.  (Click Title)
Learn more about our global organization of over 10,000 councils and over 2 million members. (Click Title)

Meet our Hawaii State Council Leadership team. (Click Title)
Learn how many of our Faith in Action programs can partner with Catholic Schools in your community! 

Many Brother Knights own small business that are the heart and soul of our local communities. Support your fellow Knight! (Password Protected)

2025 Hawaii State Convention May 3, 2025

Delegates Registration Form

Hawaii State Convention Meeting

Venue:  St John the Apostle and Evangelist, Mililani

Agenda:(State Deputy will Announce in due time)


DELEGATES ELECTION - due in February, 2025, form link is above.  Ensure the form is completed and submit to State Secretary.  Your voting delegates  will require a physical copy of this form stamped with the council seal upon check in with a valid 3rd Degree membership card which will be validated upon check in.

 Awards will be presented at the Banquet, please submit your Council's best FIA program in each of the categories on the STSP form.  Nominations for Chaplain of the Year - Michael J McGivney award - FORM


Hawaii State Convention Banquet (Cost $65, credit card fees additional)

Venue:  Japanese Cultural Center

Check in time:  5:30pm

Menu:  see flyer to the right

Attire:  State Officers:  White Dinner attire or suit

                  all others - Aloha formal

RSVP required by:  4/18. 

RSVPs up to  4/29 -will incur a change fee paid to the vendor

 see Reference flyer on the right

Register RSVP and payment link for Banquet

Please note RSVPs are your council's commitment to attend as those numbers are reported to our Banquet Vendor.

Councils are expected to collect from their membership and submit council payment. You should register each of your

attendees to ensure proper seating arrangements.

RSVP Registration Credit Card for Banquet Tickets


Join tens of thousands of men who donate more hundreds of millions of dollars and service hours to the most needy in our communities.


Join other like minded men who stand unified in the Christian ideals that have been minimalized in society today. Unified Catholic men in service.


Join fellow Brothers who are inspired by the fraternal achievements of the Knights. Men who promote and support our priest and Church.


Join men and their families that represent a myriad of ethnicities that stand together in the promotion of the constitutional rights most specifically - equality.


Holy Hour, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Confession

Details for Live Attendance Click Here Watch Live Stream Here!


Hawaii Knights are working to provide as many opportunities for faith formation and prayer as possible.

All are welcome to any of our live and virtual gatherings. Please spread the word and

join us at any of these opportunities listed below. All are welcome!



All are welcome to join one or both of our Rosary groups.

District 1 and 4 lead a group of men and women who login from as far as Idaho, Montana, California and of course Hawaii each morning at 6 am Monday through Saturday.

District 7 and the Kamiano Council 11743 from St. Augustine

Church by the Sea (Waikiki) lead members and  their families

each day, seven days a week @ 7 am.

Join Our 6 am Rosary Group Join Our 7am Rosary Group
By Lito Alvarez September 3, 2024
With Hurricane season on top of us, please share this important message and resources with your member families and parish community. Are you prepared? Being proactive might save you from tragedy! Be vigilant. Be prepared!
By Ryan Brown July 1, 2024
The Knights of Columbus, through our Faith in Action program, provides support and volunteer opportunities to a broad range of needs. Please consider joining us and be a part of the solution!! Contact any of our program chairs today.
By Ryan Brown June 10, 2023
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2024-2025 Hawaii State Winners Age 9 Boys - Council 18025 – Christian Lee Age 10 Boys – Council 14620 – Lucas Patalano Age 11 Boys - Council 14620 – Noah Benevedes Age 13 Girls - Council 18025 – Olivia Montalvo Age 13 Boys - Council 18025 – Michael Paparo Overview The Soccer Challenge is a great way for councils to engage in their communities with an athletic event for youth that encourages the values of sportsmanship and healthy competition. Children demonstrate the most important skill in soccer – shooting accuracy on the penalty kick. Youth compete within their own gender and age to progress from the local level to district, regional and state/province competitions. For Soccer Challenge resources, visit SCORING Each participant will be given 15 penalty kicks. Points will be awarded depending upon the area of the scoring zones through which the ball passes. For example, after the player’s 15 penalty kicks, his/her scores are: 5/10/20/5/5/5/5/10/10/5/20/5/10/5/5, his/her total score would be 125. A score of 125 would be marked on the entry form/score sheet. Normal rules of soccer regarding penalty kicks apply for all levels of competition. Penalty kick violations include stepping on or over the line prior to the kick, and any contact made with the ball counts as a kick. Scorers should record shots made and missed according to the instructions on the entry form/score sheet. It is also recommended that multiple scorers be assigned to each goal for scoring accuracy and comparison. All scores should be verified before the next contestant is allowed to shoot. The use of video tape recording is not recommended to resolve questions on final determination of scores should be decided by the scorers and the scoresheets. SUGGESTED TIMETABLE & SUGGESTED QUICK PLANNER Last day for Council challenge, 9/30/2024* Last day for District challenge, 10/27/2024. State Soccer challenge, 11/16/2024 at St. Ann Church, 9:00 AM *(names of council winners to be submitted to the Chair by 10/10/2024) *(Completed Soccer Challenge forms of winners from district competitions to be submitted by November 1, 2024 SOCCER CHALLENGE OVERVIEW BOOK (CLICK HERE) SOCCER CHALLENGE ENTRY FORM/GUIDE SHEET (CLICK HERE) CONTACT: Bob Noguchi or Mike Akana, Soccer Challenge Co-Chairs (State) at
Family of the Month
By Ryan Brown March 18, 2023
Post encourages participation in the Family of the Month/Year program for Knights of Columbus. Part of the Family category in the Knight's Faith in Action program.
By Ryan Brown October 11, 2022
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2023-2024 Hawaii State Winners Grade K - Council 18025 - Olina Ozuna Age 8-10 - Council 10475 - D'Isabelle Cacal Age 11-14 - Council 10475 - Ria G.H. Bagay Grade 12 - Council 12733 Anaya Rhema Domingo OVERVIEW Conducting a Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest is a fun and easy way to put your faith into action and get youth in your community involved in their faith. It is fun to conduct because of the opportunity to witness the creativity and optimism of the youth in your community. The goal of this program is to increase the awareness of young people’s faith, while encouraging them to speak to other youth “in their own language” about the true meaning of Christmas. TOPICS/CATEGORIES Each poster must reflect the Keep Christ in Christmas theme with a visual image. There is no limit to the number of posters each contestant may submit. ELIGIBILITY The Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest is open to all youth between the ages of 5 and 14. Age eligibly is determined by the age of the contestant as of November 1. AGE GROUPS Contest entrants compete in one of three age groups — ages 5 through 7, ages 8 through 10 and 11 through 14. RULES Poster must reflect the theme of Keep Christ in Christmas. Each poster should be the original work (including concept, layout, slogan and any visual images) of a single person. Poster should be approximately 11x17 inches. However, the supreme Council will not disqualify based on poster size. If pastels, chalk or charcoal are used, the poster must be laminated or covered with clear plastic. Each poster must be submitted with a Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest entry form (#5025) — make sure your council number is included. The name and age of the entrant should be printed on the reverse side of the poster in case the poster and entry form get separated. All entries become property of the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council office. Posters cannot be returned in most cases. COMPETITION LEVELS Each entry will be judged on the Council or Parish level. The top three entries in each age category will move onto the second level of judging, the District Level. The top three entries in each age category on the District level will move onto the final level of competition, the State level. Top finalists on the State level in each category will receive:
By Lito Alvarez September 17, 2022
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2023-2024 Hawaii State Winners Girls Age 9 - Council 10475 Alaynna Faith Dullaga Boys Age 9 - Council 14620 Aizen Simao-Critcher Girls Age 10 - Council 10475 Kasidy Asher Hernandez Boys Age 10 - Council 11636 - Jacob Bratton Girls Age 11 - Council 11636 - Arialyn Lee Boys Age 11 - no entry Girls Age 12 - Council 10475 Samantha Grace Gador Boys Age 12 - Council 10475 Kiptin Will Hernandez Girls Age 13 - Council 18025 Charlotte Baldacan Boys Age 13 Council 10475 Kobe Agustin Girls Age 14 - no entry Boys Age 14 - Council 11636 Weston Maria Free Throw Chairman - Melvin Cervantes: email: 2024-2025 Dates Councils should complete their competition NLT: January 18, 2025 Councils should submit winners to District Deputy NLT: January 25, 2025 Districts should complete their competition NLT: February 8, 2025 Parish with council and school without council affiliation are welcome STATE FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIP INFORMATION. WHEN: Saturday March 1, 2025, 9:00 AM WHERE: Ewa Mahiko (GYM) District Park, 91-1205 Renton Rd. Ewa Beach, HI 96706 CONTACT: Chairman Melvin Cervantes, email: ALL COUNCIL/DISTRICT WINNER FORMS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED TO STATE CHAIRMAN MELVIN CERVANTES BEFORE CLOSE OF BUSINESS FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 19TH, 2025. Council competition must be completed and documented on form. District competition is optional but must be documented on the same form. One of our Order's most popular programs, the 2024-2025 FREE THROW CONTEST AND CHAMPIONSHIPS provides an athletic outlet and encourage the values of sportsmanship and healthy competition. Since 1972, councils have sponsored the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship for boys and girls from the ages of 9 to 14 to provide an athletic outlet and encourage the values of sportsmanship and healthy competition. Kids compete within their own gender and age and progress from local level to district, regional and state/province competitions. This program is a great way to introduce the Order to our community and promote the ideals of the Knights of Columbus. Here is how you can enter: If you attend any of the Parishes listed on, contact your council leadership and sign up with your council directly. All others may download the Entry form using the button at the end of this page. Be sure to share this with your Parent(s) so they are familiar with this program. A State representative will contact you to place you with an affiliate council in your area. SCORING INSTRUCTIONS: Each contestant will be allowed 15 consecutive free throws in council competition and 25 consecutive free throws in all other levels. Indicate number of free throws “made” in first column. Those tied for highest score will compete in successive rounds each being allowed 5 free throws until one contestant emerges as winner. Use other columns to indicate scores in “playoff” rounds Participants on the council or parish level will compete against themselves and the top three applicants in their Age category will move on to the District level competition. District level finalists will compete against themselves and the top three in each grade level will proceed to the State level competition. The State level finalist will compete against themselves and the top three in each grade category will be recognized. Each age level finalists, in the Council or Parish, District and State divisions will be presented participant certificates and finalist award ranging in various values. Schools and Youth Ministry programs interested in participating. The Hawaii State Council has many Youth Ministry and Schools participating in this program and we can help provide you with examples of working models that you can implement seamlessly into your operation. Please contact for more information. Execution of this program on all levels will be done in conjunction with current State and County gathering orders. All participants must follow the program guidelines, complete a Covid-19 survey and meet all requirements before participating. Details to follow.
September 16, 2022
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2023-2024 Hawaii State Winners 8th Grade - Council 18025 - Andrew Pangilinan 11th Grade - Council 15124 - Alika Balerdi 12th Grade - Council 12733 - Anaya Rhema Domingo Contact: Galo Camacho, email: The Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest is a program designed to help our 8th grade and High School students put their Faith Into Action. Students in the 8th-12th grades are encouraged to write an essay defining the role of a Catholic citizen in different situations. Year 2024-2025 theme: In an essay of 500-750 words, answer the following questions: What are the two most important virtues for an elected leader to possess, and why? How can you determine if the leader has these virtues? The program is available to all student's 8th to 12th grade. How to enter: Entrants in all grade levels must submit their 2024-2025 Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest application to . Submissions should be turned into their local host council. If a participant does not have a local host council, contact the Program Director at for assistance. Deadline for Essays at the local Host Council Level is 30 September 2024. Participants will be scored by an independent panel of judges and finalists will be recognized on three levels: 1) councils or parishes, 2) District, and 3) State. Essays submitted on the council or parish level will be judged and the top three applicants in their grade categories will move on to the District level competition. District level finalists will again be judged and the top three in each grade level will proceed to the State level competition. The State level finalist will be judged and the top three in each grade category will be recognized and submitted to compete at the international level. Each grade level finalists, in the Council or Parish, District and State divisions will be presented participant certificates and winners awards. July-September 2024: Students write essays and turn into local Council by 30 September 2024. 30 November 2024: - Councils should have completed their collection of essays, graded and submit the winners to their District Deputy. 31 December 2024 - Districts grade and selects the District Winners. District submits to the State. If District only has one council participating, the Council winner will be submitted as the District winner. Obtain your entry form from your local council.
By Lito Alvarez August 19, 2022
Aid and Support After Pregnancy (ASAP) Program Hawai’i - Mary Jane Home WHAT : The KofC Hawai’i State Council is partnering with the Mary Jane Home (MJH) to provide for the needs of local pregnant mothers and their babies in support of the new ASAP program. WHO : MJH serves between 12 and 15 new mothers annually both during their pregnancy and for up to five years after giving birth in its aftercare program. Because these women may be in a crisis pregnancy, at risk for homelessness, or in an unsupportive home environment, MJH provides them with transitional housing, food, individual and group counseling, child care, and adoption referrals as well as daily classes in infant care, childbirth and other valuable life skills to encourage them to choose life. WHY : MJH is a pro-life and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that is wholly owned and operated by Catholic Charities Hawaii. It does not receive state or federal grants for funding, and recently lost the support of a Castle Foundation grant that had provided $60,000 annually towards its aftercare program. For this reason, MJH is well suited and a priority for ASAP partnership. HOW : MJH is looking to the Knights for help to subsidize its mothers' rent, food, and child care expenses, which costs approximately $2,000/month for each mother. Additionally, MJH has requested the following baby items: - 24 infant car seats (new only) - 24 strollers (new only) - 24 cribs or pack-n-plays - 24 safety gates - Diapers (newborn to size 3) - Baby wipes - Baby formula - Baby bottles WHEN : Each Council may determine the timing for its own fundraisers or item drives, but any delivery to MJH must first be coordinated through the program chair or directly with MJH. To garner attention and facilitate parish/community giving, it is recommended that drives coincide with other pro-life events like 40 Days for Life 365 (Sept 28 - Nov 6), the National Prayer Vigil for Life and March for Life (Jan 19th-20th), the Day of the Unborn Child (Mar 25th), or Mother’s Day (May 14th). COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS : To make monetary contributions, please make donations directly to the Mary Jane Home in-person. For maternity and baby item donations, please contact Jennie Heleski at or 808-261-9776 to coordinate delivery to MJH. For questions regarding MJH’s needs or to coordinate presentation of donations, please contact the ASAP Program Chair, Br. Avery A Catabran at EXECUTION GUIDANCE : All donations are eligible for program credits towards both ASAP and Pregnancy Center Support (PCS) programs. For every $500 a council or assembly donates (up to $2,000), Supreme will issue a $100 grant (up to $400) to MJH. Qualified donations include both monetary contributions or baby items that have an estimated value of at least $500. Because PCS is a Featured Program, Councils may earn two program credits towards the Columbian Award by hosting a separate item drive or “baby shower” to collect MJH’s requested items. Donation may not be counted twice towards both programs, it is suggested to donate baby items under Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) and money under ASAP. For Further information about the ASAP program, contact ASAP Chairman, Avery A Catabran at .
By Lito February 25, 2022
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February 25, 2022
Chairman: Bill Rodrigues Opening Mass for 40 Days for Life - Feb 28, 2023 at 6pm (Honor Guard to show at 5:30) Venue - Co-Cathedral, potluck to follow Guest Speaker: Mayra Rodriguez Aloha Brothers, Family and Friends in Faith, Deacon Gary Streff of the diocesan Respect Life office is inviting Hawaii Catholics to join him and thousands of others around the world in the 40 Days for Life 2021 campaigns in the Spring and Fall. Participation includes prayer and fasting alone or with family and friends, and joining public prayer vigils. If you want to join a prayer vigil, register on the 40 Days for Life website,, on the days and times most convenient for you. Honolulu’s opening rally will take place in front of the Planned Parenthood clinic at 839 S. Beretania Street, Fall Campaign - September 28 through November 6. Participants are asked to bring rosaries, umbrellas and bottled water. Pro-life signs will be made available. for more information, see the 40days for life website at: For further questions, or if you need help registering, call Anne Shigeta-Koch, the leader of the Honolulu campaign, 268-7143, or Deacon Streff, 597-0413.
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40 Days for Life Aid & Support After Pregnancy
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